A Power Story: The History of the Electrical Generator
How do electric generators work? How did we come up with them? The story of the men who discovered & mastered electricity.
What is a Contactor? Types, operation, application & how to choose a suitable Contactor.
To put it simply, a contactor is a device with the ability to allow / cut the flow of the electrical current to a receiver with the possibility of being remotely operated.
Why Good Programmers are Important for Automation Processes
Here we will focus on the area of industrial automation in manufacturing processes, & the important role of PLC programmers.
PLC stands for Programmable Logic Controller; we use this computer across many industries but primarily in industrial automation. It is a solution for manufacturing companies and processes.
ICA Buying Guide: Get the Right Product for your Industrial Process!
We understand sometimes you might not be exactly sure of the product you need, occasionally there are emergencies, and fast action is needed. Therefore, we created this guide to help you—help us get just what you need!
SCADA Basics
SCADA is a type of software that gathers, quickly analyzes real-time data, and sends commands to control processes. This system is fundamental in the automation industry because it allows the business to study and anticipate optimal responses automatically
The Benefits of Having Speed Drives in your Manufacturing Company
For all of the reasons named in this blog, having a speed drive in your manufacturing plant, whether big or small, is one of the most beneficial actions you can take towards your business!
STECK: The Economical Option with The High-Quality Automation Products
STECK is highly recognized across Latin America for its high-quality automation products at the most reasonable market price. (I’m not kidding, just take a look at their prices).
Reemplazar la Bobina de un Contactor Serie LC1D- Como Hacerlo Paso a Paso
Reemplazar la bobina AC de un Contactor Schneider es rápido y fácil, solo siga este breve video en el que explicamos cómo hacerlo paso a paso. No dude en contactarnos si está buscando algún producto de automatización (como una bobina o contactor) ¡Prometemos...